
Friday, March 30, 2012

One in Six Kids Teens Abusing Prescription Drugs

If you think your kids are somehow immune to taking drugs, or think they're not likely to come into contact with them in their current environment, the new National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Monitoring the Future survey results may be a shock. One in six kids in grades 8, 10 and 12 have abused prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines. Which means there's a very good chance one of those kids is yours or, at the very least, your kid knows someone who's taking them and is being invited, or pressured, to do the same.

Authorities are worried - not just because of the potential for prescription drug addiction, the horrible side effects and physical, emotional and mental damage these drugs can do, and not just because the prescription drug-related overdose and death tolls are climbing.

The biggest problem is they are close to powerless when it comes to getting it under control.

One in Six Kids Teens Abusing Prescription Drugs

Why? Because, unlike the traditional War on Drugs, there is no enemy they can really target. They can't patrol borders, airports or harbors to watch for shipments of heroin or other drugs coming in by land, air or sea. They can't watch for unusual financial transactions in the banking system that may indicate money-laundering. They can't keep watch on buildings in which unusual activity has been reported to see if they have meth labs. They can't go to the seedy areas of the inner city and watch the action on the street and turn small-time offenders into informants that help them track and take down the big dealers.

In fact, almost all the usual things the government does to fight the War on Drugs don't apply with prescription drugs. There are prescription drug rings, it's true. But that's not where the majority of kids are getting the drugs. They're getting them from their parents' medicine cabinets or from their friends who got them from the same place.

Who's going to control this situation? The solution lies in the hands of parents, teachers, and grassroots community activities.
What does it take?

Realize that it really is a problem. It's nice to think your kids would never do drugs and it can seem disruptive to add the possibility into family life. Who wants to patrol their kids, question them, makes sure prescription drugs are under lock and key? It just doesn't fit with the home life we're trying to create. Nevertheless, we have to do it to keep our kids safe.

Educate your kids. One of the major reasons why kids are taking these drugs is because they really think they're safe. They came from a doctor, their parents (or friends' parents) took them and nothing bad happened. So what's the big deal? They just make you feel good. But they really are dangerous and deadly. Especially in the hands of kids who don't know a thing about them. You can discuss TV drug commercials - point out the side effects being talked about. Talk about stories in the news re celebs and drug rehab, and so on. Take every opportunity to educate your kids about drugs. Kids whose parents do that are 50% less likely to take them.

Patrol your kids. Get to know their friends and their friends' parents. Make sure other parents are aware of the problems with prescription drug abuse and ensure they're also educating their kids. Find out where the parties are and who they hang out with. Who else is going? Is the party supervised, and by whom? Talk to the person who is supervising the party to make sure they're also aware of the possibilities with prescription drugs.

Participate in your kids' lives. Have dinner with them a few times a week - believe it or not, that's one of the biggest deterrents to taking drugs - go to their school and extra-curricular sports practices and games, get them involved in those types of things so they're not hanging out wondering what to do with themselves, pay attention to how they're doing and do your best to help them quickly, get involved with their school work, meet their teachers, and make your house the place where they can invite their friends.

Prescription drug addiction and abuse is a very real problem. If we don't want our kids to end up in an addiction treatment center, or worse, we have to solve it. The good news? The parental involvement needed to fight this war on prescription drugs could make the family the bedrock of society it once was.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bible Story Crafts For Kids - The Good Shepherd Craft & Game

This adorable sheep is one of our Easy Bible Story Crafts for Kids for kindergarten, first grade and second grade. Creating and displaying this cute, fluffy sheep reinforces the Scripture that tells us Jesus watches over us and calls us, like a good shepherd calls his sheep.

This is one of our Kids Bible Crafts that is complimented by a game. The craft and game help children to remember the verses: "I am the good shepherd. I know each of My sheep by name, and My sheep know Me." "Those who come through Me will be saved. They will have everything they need." Scripture: John 10:1-21


Bible Story Crafts For Kids - The Good Shepherd Craft & Game

Empty toilet paper roll Cotton balls (30 to 40) 4 Q-Tips Elmer's School Glue White tissue paper Brown pipe cleaner (only if a ram) Clear tape Disposable container (such as a margarine container) Black construction paper Paper punch or scissors

For support, stuff paper (any kind) inside the toilet paper roll, leaving about an inch empty from the end. Create the sheep's legs by taping the Q-tips to toilet paper roll. Create the sheep's head by scrunching up some tissue paper and stuffing part of it into the end of the roll. Pour a little glue into the container. To add the sheep's wool, dip cotton balls into the glue and press onto the cardboard roll. Once it is covered, add another layer or more until the sheep is nice and wooly. Create the eyes with a paper puncher and the construction paper. Use glue to adhere to the front of the sheep's tissue paper face. For a ram, do Steps 1-6 and then add horns, which are made by twisting pipe cleaner into two curly cues and attaching with glue. Allow to dry.
Displaying the Sheep

Before children bring their sheep home, you may want to create a classroom display:

Begin with a tray of wheat grass you've grown and trimmed short or Easter basket grass spread out evenly. Add shepherd or Jesus figurine or paper doll. Invite children to add their sheep to assemble the flock around the shepherd!
Stray Sheep Game

This tag game is sort of a classroom version of the backyard pool game, Marco Polo. The child playing the stranger is blindfolded and stands in the center of the circle. The others are the sheep and wander around the inside of the circle.

The blindfolded stranger tries to tag the sheep. When calling "Sheep!" the others must reply with "Baa-baa." The first sheep tagged takes the place of the stranger. This game reinforces the lesson that just like the sheep we should only answer to our Good Shepherd.

Look on our site for more Easy Kids Crafts and Bible Kids Crafts.

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Monday, March 26, 2012

Talking Ethics With Your Children

Children watch their parents. Children often model their own behavior based on what they see their parents do.

Very recently a woman faced an ethical dilemma and didn't know what to do. Her daughter is in high school and has a friend. The friend's mom lied about their address so that her daughter could attend the school. The first woman was very torn on what to do because she did not want her own daughter to accidentally spill the beans or to be asked to lie.

These situations happen daily. Our children are faced with ethical decisions they need to make. They will base their decisions on what has been modeled to them.

Talking Ethics With Your Children

Discuss ethics with your child from the time they are young. Ask questions that cause them to think about what they might do in a given situation. Often there are no right or wrong answers, but there is a lot of room for discussion.

Ask your young child what he/she would do if they saw another child take away a toy from a child playing with that toy. Would they step in? Would they tell an adult? Would they ignore the situation completely?

Ask your school age child what he/she would do if they saw another student copying their friend's paper. This might be a test or it might be homework. Would they turn in the cheater? Would they say something to the cheater? Would they mind their own business?

Ask your high schooler what they would do if they knew someone had been drinking and that person wanted to then drive. Or what would they do if they knew a friend was sneaking out at night behind their parents' back?

These are all questions of ethics. Different families will find answers to these questions in different places.

I believe it is so important to role play like this over the years so that when faced with ethical decisions your child has a base for making these types of decisions.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Online Kids TV - The Educational Barney

Online kids TV offer various opportunities for the youngsters of this generation. One of the most helpful shows currently being broadcast on almost all media formats is the show entitled The Barney & Friends. This TV series is a one of a kind show for kids, which mixes entertainment and education preferably shown for the preschool population. It is very helpful to the normal development of the children because it aids in promoting the kid's development of his or her affective or emotional domain, physical, cognitive or intellectual and social aspects.

Well researched materials by a set of children experts are all applied to the substance of the show. This is to address the several domains of the child for his or her holistic development. The show realizes that every child is unique and thus utilizes many creative approaches for the distinct and varied learning speeds of every child. It only imparts the most meaningful and suitable topics for the children usually aging from 2 to 5 years of age.

Children of these ages are very creative and imaginative and thus they are very much encouraged in each episode of the show to solve simple problems using these key elements. The show in itself is an interactive avenue to exercise the children's minds through their interesting and willing participation, which are greatly attributed to the child-friendly, simple and repetitive learning approach of the show. Hence, no kid will be left out and each of them will surely catch up with the moderate pacing of the show's episodes. Online kids TV really aids in the normal growth and development of the child.

Online Kids TV - The Educational Barney

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Watch Out for Spiders - A Fun Bible Object Lesson for Your Kids

Unfortunately, our kids hear many lies about God. Whether they are in school or hanging out with their friends, they can be victims of false beliefs by others who claim to know God. C.H. Spurgeon describes these hypocrites as spiders who weave their webs of deception. Our kids need to be aware of these 8-legged liars and here is a fun Bible object lesson to help teach this important truth.

Here's what you do:

The object you will use for this lesson will be a pretend spider web with a spider in it. It would also be nice if you could have a pretend fly that you could mount on a skewer to show it "flying" towards the web.

Watch Out for Spiders - A Fun Bible Object Lesson for Your Kids

Ask the following questions to help stimulate discussion:

1. What am I holding up? (Hold up the spider web and wait for a response.) You're right. It's a spider web.

2. What does the spider use his spider web for? (Wait for responses such as they catch their prey inside of it. Show the fly moving toward the web.)

3. Did you know that people who pretend to love God can be like a spider that spins his web of lies about God? (Wait for responses.)

4. What are some lies you might hear told about God? (Wait for responses such as, "God won't care if you do something bad." Or "God did not create the world.)

5. Ask a child to read Isaiah 59:5.

6. Say the following: Let's learn a little more about this portion of Scripture and how it teaches us to live our lives for God. Here are 3 important points about this truth.

Point 1: Do you remember what a spider uses his spider web for? That's right. He uses it to catch his breakfast, lunch or dinner. If a fly comes along and gets caught in the web, the spider wraps him up in his string and saves him for mealtime. Kind of yucky, huh?

Point 2: A famous preacher from long ago once said that people who pretend to love the Lord, but really don't are like spiders and their webs are made with strings of lies that try to catch real Christians and make them change their minds about Jesus. Watch out for these kinds of people. They make up things that aren't' true and change things in the Bible.

Point 3: But don't worry. Spider webs are weak and can easily be torn down. You just need to get out your "broom of truth" and knock down any lies you may hear about Jesus or the Bible. Spider webs are no place for a Christian to be tangled in. Just rest instead in the arms of the Lord and His truth.

This 3-Point Bible Object Lesson for Kids was inspired by my reading of C.H. Spurgeon's devotional on Isaiah 59:5 from his book Morning and Evening. You too can be inspired by your favorite Christian authors and come up with your own 3-Point Sermon for Kids.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Kids Waterproof Watches Make the Best Kids Watches

If you are looking for a kids watch for the holidays, a birthday, a graduation from a specific grade or just for fun you have a wide variety from which to choose. Over the years the kids watch market has exploded with all sorts of options from character based watches, watches with fun functions, kids waterproof watches or those with fun themes like dinosaurs or butterflies.

Kids watches make a great gift for kids of all ages. For the younger kids they provide a great way for them to learn how to tell time. Having their own watch makes it easy to and a lot of fun for them to learn more quickly. Plus you can get them involved in learning and make it something fun to do together, for example you can ask them what time it is and have them help you watch the time.

This is also a great way to start teaching them the concept of time. You can help them understand how long certain things last like a friends birthday party, or basics like how long an hour is, how long they can play before dinner etc. You can make it a fun way to learn some valuable life skills.

Kids Waterproof Watches Make the Best Kids Watches

You can find really cheap watches for kids that have fun characters on them, but these are usually very short-lived. It is worth it to buy one that costs a little more, one that will last longer; in fact you will probably save money in the long run because you won't have to replace it. Kids waterproof watches are typically the best way to go when you are shopping for kids watches.

Kids waterproof watches come in a variety of brands, styles, sizes, with a variety of characters and a variety of themes. Waterproof kids watches are a little more durable and of course they can handle water, which kids love to play in and play with. Most kids are pretty drawn towards things involving water, but they often don't remember that a little water may damage their cool new watch.

These watches are usually the best choice. After all you don't want to see the sad look on their face when they show you their damaged or broken watch. Plus kids waterproof watches are pretty reasonable. Sure you can find some that are fairly expensive, but it is easy to find a variety that are very reasonable.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ben 10 Watches - Help Your Little Boy Become a Hero

Who is Ben 10 and what has he got to do with watches? Ben 10 is an animated children's television program about Ben Tennyson who is just a normal kid until he finds some alien technology. He attaches this technology to his wrist and realises he can transform into a variety of alien monsters. Ben 10 watches are a slight misnomer as it is actually called an Omnitrix.

Ben 10 watches have proved extremely popular amongst young boys who want to pretend they are saving the universe from some unimaginable horror.

Ben 10 follows in a long line of ethically responsible children's television shows. When discovering the power of the Omnitrix, Ben realises that he has a responsibility to help other people, with shades of Spiderman's 'with great power comes great responsibility', but of course with less adult themes. Also in a nod to Spider-man, Ben's little friend is named Gwen.

Ben 10 Watches - Help Your Little Boy Become a Hero

Ben himself is an otherwise normal little boy who gets into trouble and still, although one of the most powerful beings on earth, acquiesces to his Grandfather when it's time to be a normal, good, 10 year old.

So popular was the television series, of which they made 4 along with 2 made for TV movies, that it was franchised to be a video game and two further spin-offs, Ben 10 Alien Force and Ben 10 Ultimate Alien which carries on until this day.

Numerous toys and models from the show have been produced, including costumes, Lego, jigsaw puzzles, cars, comic books and action figures

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Friday, March 16, 2012

10 Disney Movies Every Mom Should Watch

1. Peter Pan - Remember what it is like to be a kid and dream wonderful dreams. As adults we often don't seem to remember dreaming or our dreams are about work or family issues. It is time to get back to dreams that will put a smile on your face rather than increase those frown lines.

2. Chronicles of Narnia - The books were classic. Do you remember having your 2nd or 3rd grade teacher read them to you during story time? Re-read the books and watch the movie. Take yourself back to a place where life was a little bit easier.

3. Lady & the Tramp - There are so many of us who married that guy from the "wrong side of the tracks" who turned out to be the best (and only) guy for us. There is adventure and love, tragedy and friendship...and they produced a whole bunch of really cute kids.

10 Disney Movies Every Mom Should Watch

4. Mary Poppins - If you have ever left your kids with a babysitter or nanny have good thoughts that they are behaving and that the person you left to care for your precious children has the situation more than under control.

5. Beaches- Moms spend so much time on their husbands and children and immediate and extended families. Sometimes we need to take extra time for our friends. They are there for us in the good times and the bad. Be thankful for your friendships. Cherish them and nurture.

6. Mr. Holland's Opus - This movie will make us pray that our children's teachers are treated well and are always respected. Teachers have the ability to motivate and challenge our children in a way that we as parents may not be able to tap into. The gift of a teacher who has passion for his or her job is a priceless treasure that we can hope our children find.

7. Snow White - You need to watch this movie because it is the first one that Walt Disney did. This movie was the beginning of an empire but it was also the beginning of so many wonderful family memories. Oh yeah, it also shows that a woman can be JUST friends with a whole bunch of guys J.

8. Romy & Michele's High School Reunion - Yes, we all really did look that ridiculous in high school...and there will still be those who never really grow out of it. So make sure that you go to your reunion at least wearing updated clothes. Oh yeah, the big, backcombed, hairspray stiff hair is kinda out too.

9. Finding Nemo - No matter how irritated we get with our children there is nothing that they can do to lose our love. Our kids are our most special gifts and even though they may make silly decisions along the way they will always remain the people that we would die for if needed.

10. Cinderella - Some day your prince will come. If you have found your prince or you are still waiting for him to come...he will be pretty great. You may not have a fairy godmother to grant your every wish but you will have love. With a whole lot of love and hard work we can all have the happy ending that we are looking for. It would be nice to be skinny with a beautiful dress and diamonds but I will be content with the body I have after 3 children each 2 years apart, no need for a beautiful dress and 1 carat cubic zirconium earrings. Maybe I need that fairy godmother after all.

If you are looking for a complete list of all the movies ever made by Disney you can find it at


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

GPS Watches Make a Cool Gift for Kids

For kids, a GPS watch for children would make sense as a perfect gift. Not only would it be a present that impresses their friends, but with cutting edge features it can assist in their personal safety and health. The ability to allows know the right directions can ease of the fear of parents if a child gets lost. Additional features will help the child stay focused for personal goals.

From a safety standpoint, home locations can be added to the watch to ensure that the child will always know how to return home. For trips and camping, this added precaution that will provide ease of mind for the parent. The child can explore the area on their own knowing that they will find the way back. For solo trips, programming the address beforehand will direct the child to the correct location.

A GPS watch for children has optional additional built in features. For the child that is interested in fitness, certain watches come with a number of tools to help track heartbeat rates. This monitoring helps to establish appropriate goals for their training and improves their performance. For the beginner of a fitness program, this helps them to stay on track of their personal objectives.

GPS Watches Make a Cool Gift for Kids

The utility of the Global Positioning System units available on the market today can find any person and any situation to perform. The device operates on a signal triangulated from a series of 24 satellites. A device with GPS capabilities can accurately give time and location readings in any kind of weather or country.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

The Fun of Giving Awards

I volunteer at Camp Med, a licensed day care program sponsored by the City of South Pasadena, facilitating their sports hour. During the summer about eighty children from the ages of 5-11 participate.

In terms of my background, I have had the privilege to work on the Olympics every two years and other sporting events and have been the recipient of souvenirs and sponsorship memorabilia.

Two years ago, at the end of summer camp, I felt compelled to give out an award. In front of the other campers I read a speech and gave an Athens Olympics watch to our:

The Fun of Giving Awards

Honor Camper

Your thoughtfulness and caring are much appreciated. The kind words you have

spoken to your fellow campers and to the counselors have not gone unnoticed. Your effort and good sportsmanship have been Olympian. To honor you, Camp Med would like to give you a special watch that celebrates the Olympics and name you our Honor


This created a lot of excitement amongst the kids, so much so that the following summer, they kept asking me if I was going to give out another watch. I did, as well as eight other awards. I also gave out prizes at random times throughout the summer. This is what I learned during the process.


Growing up as a kid, half of the awards I received were of a generic nature. These awards had little meaning to me, even though some of them were big, marble trophies. The most thrilling award I received was a little blue ribbon in second grade that said "Most Improved." I liked the award because it was authentic and true.

One of the more personal awards of the summer went to a boy whose math team won the regional, then state, then western states and then national competition and has a wonderfully neutral Mr. Spock-like persona:

The Pythagoras Award

Pythagoras was a great math genius of ancient Greece. He believed that numbers were the ultimate reality. Pythagoras was also known to be a keen observer, a good friend to many and very wise.

Camp Med has had the great fortune of having a Pythagorean in our midst and we honor you now.

He received a bust of Pythagoras.


I always give the child a copy of the speech as a reminder of what was said and as something they can show their parents. The speeches generally are short, the kids are eager to see what the award is (the award is always wrapped or covered) and find out who gets it. So, in a few words, strive to communicate an essence:

Goodness Award

I recognized your goodness from day one. It is always a delight to have you here with us at Camp Med.

The kids also like awards that sound cool. This one got their attention:

Ninja Soccer Girl

You are like a Ninja on the field, quiet, graceful, highly efficient and determined. It is a joy to see you on the field with a soccer ball.

I wanted to suggest to this modest boy that he is fully capable NOW of doing special things on the soccer field:

Soccer King

You have improved steadily throughout the summer, but what has truly impressed me is your heart. You are willing to play on much smaller teams against an army of kids.

There is an element of poetry about your game. You know when to pass, where to position yourself, when to accelerate, how to curve the ball and how to lead on the field.


During the summer, my wife and I cleaned out our garage. She discovered a pretty pin with little jewels on it. She no longer wanted it, but I saw an opportunity, one of our best soccer players at camp was also a very stylish dresser.

Camp Med Soccer Girl

There was a day in the middle of the summer when you had just about a perfect game. You were in a zone. Defensively, you took the ball away from everybody who came your way and then booted the ball up field or made an excellent pass. You did this for 45 minutes straight. It was so exciting to watch.

I had worked at the 1994 World Cup and had received a limited edition silk scarf celebrating the event. Where does one find a happy home for such an item?

Most Improved Girl Award

This summer, you not only started taking shots on the goal, you started scoring goals.

It has been a pleasure to get to know you better. You bring a radiance and elegant presence to Camp Med.

I remember this young lady very gracefully taking the big scarf out of its little box and later peacefully and meticulously folding it up again. In the caring way she handled the scarf, I could tell that she appreciated it.

As I placed my intention that summer on giving out awards, I discovered that there was an interesting dynamic at work. In the case of the soccer girl, I knew I wanted to give her an award and then the award showed up. In the case of the scarf, the award showed up and then the perfect recipient was revealed. This intuitive process went on throughout the summer. As each new revelation came forward, it felt like I was cracking a code. I never thought there would be nine awards, maybe three tops. Strangely, it seemed like I wasn't in charge, I just listened, cooperated and went with the flow.


During one match, the rubber tip of a plastic hockey stick broke. At the end of the game, I announced that the MVP of the game would receive the rubber tip. This just cracked the kids up and they all wanted to receive it. There was the buzz of excitement in the air. The kids taught me that prizes could be silly as well.


Meanwhile at home, we also went through our Christmas ornaments that filled our garage. I thought, well, if the kids wanted the rubber tip of a hockey stick, they would probably like some Christmas items and announced that for one week (while it was 90 plus degrees in Southern California) that it would be Christmas in July and I would be awarding Christmas items throughout the week. Each day, I would bring a brown bag with a Christmas item inside and the kids couldn't wait for the award ceremony to see what was inside.

During the week, a young boy came up to me and said that he wanted a prize. I asked him what he wanted and he said without hesitation, "I want a Santa." All the kids wanted a prize, but with this boy, there was an extra need for acknowledgment.

The following day, I came with my brown bag. He quickly came up to me and asked if that was his Santa, he was so eager and excited. At the end of sports hour, I gave the brown bag to him and told him he was receiving this prize for being very sweet inside. He opened it up and took out the Santa. The kids cheered and clapped for him. He just stood there in awe with his Santa, vulnerable, wide-eyed, taking in all the support. Later he told me dearly that he felt, "a little embarrassed." It was one of the most beautiful moments of the summer.

It's an example of how by taking a positive action step (providing Christmas in July), an opening sometimes magically occurs for something even greater to come forward.


Not everyone has an overflowing garage. There is a wonderful, free organization called freecycle which is dedicated to reducing landfill waste. Members essentially play give and take, asking for what they want and posting what they have to give away. You can send an e-mail to the group asking for what you want, for example: old trophies and jewelry, children's toys in good condition, etc. You'll probably receive some very interesting items, all at no cost.


A watch turns out to be a perfect award. They can be trendy, colorful and fun. It's practical. You can take it to school. It's with you all day. It feels special. Kids love them. This was the speech for this year's watch recipient:

The MVS Award for Most Valuable Support

After just a few days of Summer Camp, I knew, by your supportive actions, that you were destined for an award. It turned out that what I found for you, however, was totally sold out in Southern California and Oregon and Minnesota. I finally found a store in Chicago, Illinois that had one last one.

You have helped me so, so much. I appreciate you greatly, words can't even say.

This award goes to the one who has been my right hand and has been wonderful and supportive throughout Summer Camp.

This November, Sixty Minutes did a piece on Millennial Kids whose childhoods they said are "filled with trophies and adulation". The paradigm represented here is totally the opposite: heartfelt recognition and thanks to children who, by their very presence, give so much more than they receive.


As a child, I use to wonder, "Am I of worth?" "Who am I?" "What am I good at?" In a powerful way, certain awards gave me some answers. The answers were very clear (I am good at swimming, for example), but on a deeper level, the items were constant reminders that I was good. An award can go a long way in supporting the self-esteem of a child.

As an adult, I found the process of being the award giver a powerful, multi-dimensional way to connect to a young person. It can be done via humor, drama or warmth. It's a very true and direct way of saying, "I value you."

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sitting Too Close to the Television

It's a fact of life that children like to watch television. However there are health concerns that are vocalized by many about letting your kids sit too close to the TV. These were raised in the early days of television when the TV was often affectionately referred to as a radiation box. Obviously there was no radiation danger from watching TV and the technology has advanced beyond what it was originally.

Still the questions about whether it's harmful to watch TV for too long, or sit too close remain. If you're child is not physically active and spends all of his or her time in front of the TV then obviously they will begin to get a little heavy. In this aspect the question about if it is harmful is a definite yes. It's important for kids to get out and have plenty of physical activity in order to grow and develop properly.

As far as the question about sitting too close to the TV goes the answer is a bit complicated. However you can answer most of it yourself with some common sense knowledge. If you work on a computer, or use a laptop for long periods of time and sit too close what happens to your eyes? They become itchy, red, irritated, and your vision becomes blurred.

Sitting Too Close to the Television

Now if that happens to you who are fully grown, imagine what it might be doing to your kids. This isn't a scare argument, but more of a common sense argument. Children and toddlers often don't understand the concept of letting your eyes rest so it's important to manage this for them until they understand. Continued long term watching regardless of range can lead to long term headaches and migraines.

That covers the physical part of the question, but what about the mental part? Yes there is a mental part to this question that most parents simply do not think about. If you let your child or toddler sit real close and directly in front of the TV they will begin to think it's theirs. This can lead to behavioral problems down the line and cause quite a few issues.

Before you dismiss this as silly remember how children learn what's theirs and what's not. When you hand them a new, they grab it, and it becomes theirs. If you sit them in front of the TV alone and leave them then they will assume this box with the colorful moving pictures is theirs as well. Being up close and directly in front of it will reinforce this position as well.

In order to prevent this from happening it's important to teach them that it's not theirs. This works the same way you teach them that other things are not theirs. You typically sit them at an angle from the TV where they can see it, but not directly in front of it. When they move closer or try to touch it you simply pick them up and put them back. So is it harmful for your child to sit too close to the TV? Physically it can be straining on the eyes so yes, but in the end use your own parental judgment.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daffodils and Children - Explore How to Get Them Interested

It is fascinating to watch children because they are interested in so many things adults tend to take for granted. One of their favorite flowers is the daffodil due to the design and colors that are bold and bright. Children often hear people say what flowers mean too. The fact that will relate daffodils with positive things including love, hope, and even smiles means they will want to have these flowers around them.

With that in mind, you may want to introduce your children to these flowers in a variety of ways. Show them some daffodils and chances are they will already be in awe of them. Schedule a day for attending a daffodil festival where you can all see them in large numbers. There are lots of other great activities to take part in at those events as well.

Why not ask if they would like to get a garden in place and grow their own? This is a great project for parents and children to do together. Sometimes it can be very hard to get quality time with children without distractions. Working as a team in a garden though is a great way to do so. It can be fun too because as the children get older they will be able to do more of the work.

Daffodils and Children - Explore How to Get Them Interested

They will take pride in being able to grow daffodils on their own. The memories of doing so will be very happy ones for the entire family to reflect on. Getting children to spend time outdoors with nature is a great way for you to help them develop a love of it. They can become passionate about the outdoors and what all it has to offer.

In many ways this can help to avoid conflicts with indoor problems such as too much TV or excessive video game playing. It can also help them to find a calm retreat from the various forms of stress they will experience in life.

Should you decide to grow daffodils, allow the children to help with making arrangements from it. Perhaps they would like to present one to a friend or a teacher from school. They can also use the flowers to make a variety of different craft projects. The possibilities are endless so let their creative side be explored.

There are many ways to explore daffodils with your children. They will grow up to appreciate the beauty of them. What you will also find though is that they are able to teach you a number of things this way as well. Children see the simplicity in things that adults often overlook. They will bring your attention to them once again.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cool Kids Wallets For Boys and Girls

Nothing gives a child more pride than their own wallet so they can put their own hard earns money in. It also makes them feel a bit grown up that they can be like Mom and Dad. Secretly though getting your child a wallet is an excellent way to teach money management and it's never too early to start teaching. Good habits last a lifetime. So getting a wallet is a big step for your child. There are many styles of kids' wallets out there for boys and girls of any age.

For Boys

Here are some cool kids' wallets for the boys

Cool Kids Wallets For Boys and Girls

Superheroes - You cannot go wrong with superheroes. All boys love the superheroes and they can get nearly every superhero of their choice from Batman, Superman, Spider man, Iron Man, to the Incredible Hulk.

Disney - Give your boy a wallet with their favorite Disney character from Toy Story to Cars, along with easy open close Velcro tabs.

Quicksilver Men/Boys Leather Wallet - For the older child who may not want such a cartoon type wallet. Quicksilver is a popular maker of wallets for kids and adults.

Spongebob Squarepants Tri fold Wallet - For the Spongebob lover even a girl could adore this one. It is a tri folded wallet for quick open and close has a place for picture id, many slots for cards, and a zipper coin purse.

Personalized Wallets - If you truly want to make giving your child their first wallet special and to make them feel special you can get a personalize wallet with the child's name on it.

For Girls

Disney Princess- What girl will not adore a Disney's princess wallet? Its pink and it has all your Disney Princesses on it from Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin Princesses.

Dora the Explorer and Boots Wallet - Perfect for your little girl who loves Dora. This is an excellent starter wallet for a young child. Has easy open Velcro closure, trifold design that has a place for picture id, 4 slots for card, plus of course a large pocket for bills.

Roxy Chord Kids Wallet - This is a fun wallet perhaps aimed more for the tweens. This wallet has a fun urban chic design. Have snap closure, ten card pocket hold, ID card pocket, and a small change zipper pocket.

Barbie Tri fold Wallet - For the younger one again. This tri fold wallet comes in pink with picture of icon Barbie which any Barbie loving girl will adore.

Wildkin Fairies Tab Closure Wallet - For the fairy loving girls this wallet has a tab closure and is aimed for more the older girls age 10 -12. Comes as well with an ID card to fill out. Inside slots for cards and money and an outside small zipper pocket.

Personalize Wallets - To make the wallet super special get it personalize. You chose your type of wallet from a limited selection, then child's name is put on it. Which will be their special wallet for it has their name on it. This can make a great gift idea.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Learn Spanish For Kids Online

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the earlier children are introduced to another language, the quicker they will pick it up and the more beneficial it will be to their learning in other areas. Here are some handy tips for parents on how to learn Spanish for kids online.

1. Learn With Your Kids

Making Spanish learning a family hobby will mean you get to spend quality time together learning a wonderful skill. It also means you will be attuned to the problems and difficulties of learning Spanish, and will be able to share in successes and failures.

Learn Spanish For Kids Online

2. Take Time Every Day

Consider taking a regular slot out of every day to speak Spanish to one another - bedtime or storytime, when your child is relaxed and receptive is useful. You could agree to speak only Spanish at breakfast - learning the words for breakfast items and kitchen appliances to ask each other questions.

3. Use a Variety of Resources

Children learn through play, so keeping them entertained is essential to their learning. There are lots of Spanish games for children to play online and you can supplement these with simple additions to their normal routines. For example, if they are colouring in ask them the names of the crayons in Spanish, if you are playing cards together you can test them on numbers and you can play I Spy games in Spanish as well as English.

4. Make Sure They Hear Native Speakers

Even with all your good intentions, if you are not a native speaker of Spanish you may be mispronouncing words and encouraging bad habits in your child. It is of paramount importance that anyone learning Spanish hears native speakers so make sure you incorporate this into their learning and your own. You could watch Spanish childrens TV programmes together, listen to Spanish music or listen to audio Spanish courses.

5. Reward Them

Keeping Spanish learning fun and exciting will keep your child interested for the long term, so rewards are very important. Churros with hot chocolate are almost guaranteed to keep your child interested in Spanish lessons. You could have a Spain themed night where you all dress up and eat Spanish food, or a Mexican night with a piñata and fajitas. Letting your child help prepare the food and talking to them about Spanish or Mexican culture is a great way to keep their appetite whetted.

The best way to learn Spanish for kids online is to invest in a reputable course, but I hope these tips have provided some inspiration for you and your child in your Spanish adventure.

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Birthday Parties For Young Children

Planning a birthday party for your child is an exciting and important occasion. It's a chance to show your child just how unique and special he/she is. It can also be a bit stressful if you're not prepared! Here are some fun ideas and suggestions to help you celebrate the big event:

1) Choose a party theme. Themes could revolve around your child's favorite sport, animal, hobby, movie or TV character. Having a theme makes planning the rest of the party easier. Themed invitations, decorations, plates, napkins and thank yous create a festive feeling that flows throughout the event.

2) Get your invitations delivered 2-3 weeks in advance. You can purchase your invitations at any local card store or retail center. For you creative types, there's an endless amount of scrap booking ideas and supplies out there to make your own personalized invitations. It doesn't have to be an elaborate "masterpiece". Let your kids help cut, color and glue items onto cardstock paper. Even older children will enjoy this project! To save time and money, look for a website online where you can create and print free custom invitations.

Birthday Parties For Young Children

3) There are many fun games that can be adapted for children of all ages and party themes. Some of the time-tested traditional games are Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Musical Chairs, Red Light Green Light and Simon Says. If you're not sure how to play these, you can always search for instructions for these online. It's generally best to pass out a prize to all the participants, regardless who won the game. Keep it simple and inexpensive by passing out a sticker or small piece of candy.

4) Oh, the joy of presents! Of course it's exciting for the birthday child to open presents, but it's also fun for the other children to watch their gift being opened. To help prevent the "open mine first!" dilemma, make a game out of it by playing Musical Presents. All of the kids sit in a circle and pass around each gift from person to person while music is playing. When a grownup turns the music off, whichever present the birthday child is holding, that's the one that gets opened first! Continue playing music/passing until all the presents are opened.

5) Keep food preparation to a minimum the day of the party. Order or bake the cake ahead of time. Chop fruit and veggies the day before. You don't want to be stuck in the kitchen and miss out on all the fun.

6) Your party is sure to be remembered when you send each guest home with a cookie party favors. Some other fun items to put in a treat bag could be a whistle, stickers, lip balm, crayons, small rubber ball, yo-yo, pencil, mini note pad and candy. To save time and postage later, tuck a thank you note inside the take-home goody bag, too!

Helpful Hints: Remember to get film for your camera, charge the video camera battery and pick up some candles along with matches or a lighter!

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